The Self Care Ideas To See You Through Winter

Jan 12, 2022 | Expert Advice

With its longer nights and colder daysit can sometimes feel like winter lasts much longer than just 3 months of the year! This means that over the cooler months, when we’re spending a lot of time inside, it’s more important than ever to look after your mental health. With that in mind, we’ve collated 5 self care ideas to help you create a relaxing self care routineWhether you decide to create a soothing sleep routine or start keeping a self care journal, make sure to take some time for yourself this winter.

What Is Self Care?

Self care is about putting your physical and mental health first, whether that be eating right, staying active, enjoying a pamper session or being sociableWhether you have a quick 25 minutes to spend at the end of a busy day or you’re planning a long and luxurious self care Sunday, treating yourself to some TLC can make all the difference to your state of mind.  


So, why is self care important? Not only will a good self care routine help you to unwind and improve your mental state, but bpractising self care, you’ll also be better placed to transmit those good feelings onto others, helping to increase their quality of life too.


what is self care

5 Self Care Ideas

1. Create a calming environment

A cluttered environment (say a messy kitchen, piled up clothes that need putting away or a stack of unopened bills) can lower your sense of control and increase stress levels. Taking half an hour to tidy up, then sitting back, lighting a few candles and enjoying the new decluttered space is a simple step in any self care routine that can increase your sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.


what is self care


To create the perfect calming atmosphere after decluttering, explore our range of relaxing self care candles. Our Pink Grapefruit Candle, for instance, boasts a zesty citrus fusion of Grapefruit, Orange Blossom, Floral Gardenia and Anise that creates a revitalising fragrance. If you’re looking for simple self care ideas, it’s the perfect way to delight the senses and calm the mind.


2. Refresh your body to reset your mind

When life feels chaotic and anxiety creeps in, something as simple as a refreshing shower is one of our favourite self care tips to help clear and reset the mind. We recommend a simple routine that polishes, cleanses and purifies. 


With soothing music playing in the background, step into a warm shower. Start by gently massaging a luscious, beautiful-scented body scrub into your skin to slough away dry cells and rough patches. Then, cleanse the skin with a nourishing body wash, before moisturising with a luscious body butter. The result? Skin that feels fresh, smooth and velvety soft.


3. Establish a relaxing bath routine

When it comes to a self care routine, hot baths are the epitome of relaxation, providing a quiet space to shut off the mind and unwind the body. 


what is self care


To create the perfect atmosphere for your bath routine, light a few candles, open your favourite book and add a few drops of our wellness calming oil into the water. Formulated with CBD, this oil helps to relieve stress and relax both the mind and body. After the bath, you’ll feel refreshed, rejuvenated and ready for a restful night’s sleep.



4. Enjoy 15 minutes of ‘me-time’ before bed

Self care ideas and rituals don’t have to be complicated. Taking just 15 minutes for yourself to read a book, write a self care journal or listen to a podcast before bed can be enough to relieve stress and refocus the mind.


At Sanctuary Spa, we’d use those 15 minutes to enjoy a pampering face mask. Our Beauty Sleep Recovery Face Mask blends youth-boosting Tetrapeptide, calming Orange Flower Oil and relaxing Lavender to restore and revitalise the skin, while helping you to relax. 


As part of your evening self care routine, apply over your face and neck, read a book for 15 minutes, then allow the soothing fragrance to help you drift off to sleep. You’ll be amazed by how refreshed you’ll feel the next morning!


5. Create a soothing sleep routine

It’s no secret that a good night’s sleep is essential for good mental wellbeing. A lack of shut eye can lower concentration levels, cause severe mood swings and decrease your ability to cope with stress. So, always aim to get 8 hours of sleep and get into the habit of performing a regular sleep routine before bed.


what is self care

If you struggle to drift off, why not try our Wellness Sleep Mist? Infused with Jasmine, Patchouli and Frankincense to aid relaxation, it’s scientifically proven to help you fall asleep faster and for longer. It also improves the quality of your sleep and helps you to wake up in a better mood.


Introduce these self care ideas into your daily routine to fully unwind and improve your wellbeing – you deserve it! No matter how little or how much time you have, there are a whole host of self care tips and tricks to try out when it comes to creating the perfect self care routine for you.



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